Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Colors

Here in southwest Ohio it's still a little early for the fall colors to be out.  Reports show good colors in the north eastern part of the state but we're still a couple of weeks away.  But unlike last year we had a lot of rain this summer which should yield a lot of brilliant colors in the trees and leaves that hang around long enough to get their picture taken.  (Last year was so dry that the fall color season was really short before all the leaves were on the ground.)

In lieu of my typical early morning run I decided to hit the local park and see what the trees were showing me.  Still mostly green but just enough colors to take a few interesting shots.  For the first time I took two cameras out with me to shoot.  On my Olympus Pen I mounted the 17mm pancake for it wide view of the world but also loaded up my Canon 40D with my longest Canon 300mm f/4 L prime telephoto as I was hoping for some wildlife shots as well as the trees.

The ever present deer population in the park all must have been sleeping in as there were none to be seen and I really don't enjoy the challenge of bird photography so I stuck to the trees and some detail work.  With a little bit of help in Lightroom to soften up a few of the images and pop the colors a bit I was happy with the results.

Tom Laux
October 5, 2009

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