Monday, October 19, 2009

Running instead of Shooting

I haven't been very active updating this blog recently.  There's a pretty good reason for that.  My free time has been taken up by my other hobby - running.  I like to run.  A lot.  I like to race.  A lot.  Consequently I like to run marathons.  A lot.

Ran the Columbus Marathon yesterday.  It was my 57th or 58th marathon.  At this point I've kind of lost track.  But the highlight is that once again for the first time in three years I ran fast enough to qualify to run the 2010 Boston Marathon.  For those who don't know, Boston is one of the most prestigious races in the world.  Next year will be the 114th running of the race and the fourth time I'll have the privilege of running it.  Boston is also one of the very few marathons that you must qualify to run.  The vast majority of marathons, including the major ones like Chicago, New York and London are all races open to the general public.  Register early enough (or be lucky enough to have your name pulled from the lottery draw) and you can run the race.  Not Boston.  There are very strict qualifying standards that must be met before you are allowed to run the race.  Running Boston means you've made it in with the best of the best.  Many people these days take on and complete the challenge of the marathon.  Few will every qualify for Boston.  For distance guys like me running a Boston qualifier (a BQ) is like making it into the Super Bowl.  And running the race is like playing in the Super Bowl with it's million fans lining every inch of the 26.2 mile course.  Yep there's nothing better for a marathoner than running than Boston.  And I'm going back.

So once my legs aren't so sore I'll get back out there shooting fall foliage.  But in the back of my mind you can bet I'm planning my trip to Beantown.

Tom Laux
October 19, 2009

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